HARUS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

harus v {1} [A; a] strip leaves o?
the stem or stalk.
Nagharus kug kamunggay nga iságul sa útan, Im stripping o?
kamunggay leaves to use as vegetables.
{2} [B12] for a mechanism that en-gages to get stripped, get so it fails to engage.
Naharus ang kam-biyu maung dì na mukagat, The gears got stripped so that they wont engage.
{3} [c1] involve all in doing s.t.
Iharus (harusa) ug lábay sa bintánà ang mga butang, Throw everything out of the window.
{3a} [A; a3] destroy, a?
ict all practically with-out exception.
Ang lúnup nga miharus sa tanang kabalayan, The flood that destroyed all the houses.
Naharus ming tanan ug kasakit ug plú, We were all sick with flu.
{4} [A2N; a12] make a sweeping victory, reap all the victories in competitive activities.
Ang ámung iskuylahan mauy miharus (nangharus) sa atlítik mit, Our school won a sweeping victory in the ath-letic meet.
Giharus kami ni Tínung sa blakdyak, We all lost to Tinong in blackjack.
a for a mechanism to be stripped.
Harus ug gusánu ang ruska, The screw has stripped threads.

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