NGISI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ngísi v {1} [A2S; c1] grin.
Nagngisi man ka mu rag gihadlà sa anghil, Youre grinning as if an angel were titillating you.
{2} [B12S456] be slit, lacerated.
Ipatahì sa duktr kanang nagngisi nímung samad, Have a doctor sew up that gaping wound.
n grin.
ngisingisi n name given to various things that cause one to screw up his face: {1} k.
small fish with poisonous spines.
{2} other sea creatures which exude poisonous matter.
{3} young head lice (kuyamad).
{4} k.
skin infection characterized by intense itching and scattered sores.
v [A123P; a4] {1} be beset with young lice.
{2} get this skin infection.

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