PAKLI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

paklì v [A3P; c1] turn s.t.
that is flat.
Ang kusug hángin mauy nakapaklì (nakapapaklì) sa páwud sa atup, The strong wind turned the shingles of the roof over.
Paklía ang sunud panid, Turn the next page.
paklid (from kílid) v [A; c1] remove a thick, heavy sheet which has been attached to or lodged against s.t.
Ang kawatan ang nagpaklid sa mahalung kwadru nga gilansang sa bungbung, The thief knocked o?
the expensive frame that was nailed to the wall.
Gipaklid níyag hínay ang tabun sa bugásan, He opened the cover of the rice container slowly.

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