UGKAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ugkay (from ukay) v {1} [A; ab2] dig out s.t.
Mga pulis ang nag-ugkay sa gilubngan sa gibunù, The policemen exhumed the murder victim.
{1a} [A; a12] ransack things in looking for s.t.
Ákung ugkáyun ang mga butang nímu básug túa didtu ang ákung rilu, Ill ransack your things in case my watch is there.
2 [A; a] stir s.t.
thoroughly to mix it.
Ang muugkay sa harína kinahanglang ugag kamut, Whoever wants to mix the flour must have dry hands.
{2a} [B; b6] for a home to be broken.
Naugkay ang ílang panimalay tungud sa bisyu sa bána, The husbands vices finally broke their home.

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