KULIPI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kulípì v [AN; b6] {1} cover up for s.
Ang inahan mauy nan-gulípì pagbalíbad nga wà mulakat ang íyang anak, The mother covered up for her son by saying he hadnt gone out.
{2} take on s.
elses duties.
Aku lay nangulípì (mikulípì) sa íyang trabáhu kay nagtuun man, I took over his duties because he was study-ing.
paN- v [A2; b] be jealously possessive of s.
Mangulípì ang inahan sa mga ituy ug duúlun sila, The mother dog guards her puppies jealously when s.
goes near them.
-an a jealously possessive.

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