SARAP is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sárap v {1} [A; a12] go over a place in fine detail so as not to miss anything.
Sarápun ta ang kakahuyan arun kit-an ang bátà, Lets search the woods thoroughly to find the child.
{2} [c6] move ones line of sight in a di?
erent direction.
Isárap ang ímung mata sa wala arun mu makítà ang sakayan, Point your eyes to the left so you can see the boat.
{3} [A; cP] dive and make a pass at s.t.
Misárap ang ayruplánu sa bapur sa kaáway, The airplane buzzed the enemy ship.
Gisarápan sa lángaw ang sabaw, The fly made a pass over the soup.
paN- v [A13; b6] go fishing with the sarap.
() n finely woven fish net dragged by two or more people walking in shallow water.

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