SULUP is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sulup a dark, lightless.
Wà kuy nakítà sa lángub kay sulup kaáyu, I did not see anything in the cave because it was very dark.
n {1} early evening, just after the sun has gone down.
Sulup na sa paggíkan nákù sa búkid, It was already dusk when I started home from the mountains.
{2} jungle, thicket.
bábuyng wild pig.
v {1} [B] become dark.
Misulup ang lawak sa pagkapálung sa sugà, The room became dark when the lamp was put out.
{2} [A; b6] disappear into the forest or tall grass.
Duha ka táwu ang misulup sa bagang lugut, Two men disappeared into the thick brush.
{3} [b6] be overgrown with brush.

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