ABU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

abu n {1} ashes.
{2} = alabúhan.
v {1} [A; a12] make ashes.
Abuha nang mga palwa ug gam-ang sabun, Make the palm stems into ashes to make soap out of.
{2} [B1256] be razed or burned to the ground.
Pag-abut nákù naabu na ang balay, When I arrived, the house was already burned to the ground.
ka-() v [A13] get ashes all over one.
Nagkaábu ku kay misum-uk ku sa nasunúgan, I got ashes all over me because I went into the burned-out area.
alabúhan n stove or any place a fire for cooking is built.
abuhun n ash-colored.
Manuk nga abuhun, Gray-colored cock.
abuábu n k.

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