BULAK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

búlak n {1} flower, blossom.
{1a} woman (metaphor).
Ikaw ang búlak nga ákung gipangítà, You are the maid (lit.
flower) I have been looking for.
{2} suit of cards.
{2a} suit in mahjong composed of eight pieces which have pictures of flowers on them.
v {1} [B2345N; b6] flower.
Mibúlak (namúlak) nang rúsas, The rose plant is flowering.
{2} [A; b] put a flowery design on s.t.
{3} [B236N; b6] get moldy.
Namúlak ang kan-un, The rice is all moldy.
ka- v [A13] be bestrewn with flowers.
bulakbúlak n {1} sweet things in life.
Bulakbúlak sa kinabúhì ang pagpanugal, Gambling adds spice to ones life.
{2} flowery design.
{3} ad lib, cadenza in a musical piece.
v {1} [b(1)] add spice to life.
{2} [A3; b6(1)] add a flowery design.
{3} [A; b6(1)] play ad lib music.
Nindut ang sunátang gibuwakbuwákan sa trumpíta, It was a beautiful song with the ad lib trumpet.
-ay() n game of cards wherein a card is placed face up and bets are made as to the number of the next card of the same suit turned up.
v [A12C] play this game.
-an = payil sa búlak.
see payil.
hiN-a bearing flowers in abundance.
Himulak kaáyung tanum ang rúsas, Roses tend to bear flowers in abundance.
ka-an n a patch of flowering plants, young women, women collectively.
ma-un a flowery.
tingpaN- n {1} season of flowers.
{2} years.
Sa ikanapúlug walu níyang tingpamúlak, In her eighteenth year.

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