BUNUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

búnut v {1} [A; ab2] pull s.t.
that is in between s.t.
Hináyag búnut ang húnus, Pull the drawers out slowly.
Ákung bunútun ang madyungan, Ill draw a piece from the mahjong set.
{2} [A; a] pull out s.t.
rooted, stuck in s.t.
Bunúta ang lansang, Pull out the nail.
{2a} [A; c1] pull s.t.
out as if uprooting weeds.
Ayaw ibúnut (bunúta) pagkúhà ang igtalánum, Dont just rip out the seedlings.
{3} [AC12; a] draw a weapon.
Makigbúnut ku nímug pistulahay, Ill duel you with pistols.
n action of drawing.
lábay n action of drawing and discarding what was drawn in a game in order to allow the game to continue without anyones dropping out.
madyung in mahjong, the action of getting a piece which enables one to go mahjong.
paníngit see singit.
supu n {1} manner of betting in mahjong whereby a player bets that his next draw will cause s.
(himself or any other player) to get mahjong.
{2} amount bet in this manner of betting.

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