AWUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

áwut a {1} be out in a ball game.
{2} be out of a place, out of stock, etc.
ab bawuns, lak, istak, etc.
out of bounds, luck, stock, etc.
Awut ab tápik ka, You are out of order, o?
the subject.
v {1} [A3P; a2] make s.
or s.t.
out in ball games.
Nakaáwut na ang pitsir ug duha, The pitcher has already struck two batters out.
Hiawtan silag duha, They have had two outs.
{2} [B56] get to be out of a place, out of luck, stock, etc.
Muáwut ku ugmà, Ill get out of this place tomorrow.
Maáwut ang búla, The ball will go out of bounds.

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