TUUD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

túud v [A3S; a1b] know how, show s.
how to get to a place.
Nakatuud ku sa ílang hayid-áwut, I know where their hide-out is.
Tuúra ang gitagúan nákung kúkis, Locate the place I hid the cookies at.
Tuúri kug háin ang sikrítung agiánan, Lead me to the secret passage.
pa- v [A; c] show s.t.
; show o?
Mipatúud ang bátà sa íyang samad sa íyang inahan, The child showed his mother his wound.
Nagpatúud ang hambugíru sa íyang bag-ung kutsi, The braggart is showing o?
his new car.

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