HABA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

hábà v [A; b(1)] take sides with.
Gihabáan siya sa íyang bána, Her husband took her side.
pa- v [A; b6] {1} run to s.
for sympathy and ask him to take sides.
Túa na pud magpahábà dáyun tung Máma níya, There she goes, running to her Mama again.
{2} say s.t.
exaggerated to get a person to feel a certain way.
Nagpahábà siyag sulti sa íyang ámu nga maáyu siyang mutrabáhu maung giingkrísan, He talked big to his boss to make him think he worked well and he got a raise.
n action of running to s.
for sympathy.

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