HALUM is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

hálum n k.
herbaceous, ornamental herb bearing dull pur-plish leaves which are used medicinally and sometimes eaten as vegetables: Amaranthus tricolor.
halumhum v {1} [A12; c6] put solid food into the mouth in a bulk.
Gihumhum sa dawù nga bátà ang pán kay nahadluk man nga dúnay mangáyù níya, The greedy child stu?
ed the whole piece of bread into his mouth because he was afraid s.
would ask him for some.
{2} [A; a12] secretly keep s.t.
for oneself which is supposed to be shared.
Ang kurnáwu nga limbungan kusug muhumhum sa ganansiya, A dishonest partner keeps part of the profits for himself.

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