KALAP is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kálap v [A; b(1)] {1} touch, tinker, play with s.t.
Latusun ku ang magkáp sa gamitun, Ill whip anyone who tinkers with the tools.
Gikápan giyud ang tigib kay nagíbang, S.
must have played with the chisel because it got nicked.
{2} tease, play a joke on s.
{3} [AN] engage in petty stealing.
Bantáyi siyang musulud kay mukáp nà, Watch him if he comes in because he lifts things.
kalapkálap v [A3] tinker, try ones hand at s.t.
Namikaniku siya kay ganáhan mukapkáp ug makina, He became a mechanic because he likes to tinker with machines.

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