PUSTURA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pustúra n the way s.
looks all dressed up.
Nindut tag pustúra run.
Mamisíta ka?
You are all dressed up.
Going s.w.
paN-v [A2; b6] get all dressed up.
Mamustúra ka gánì, magwápa kag samut, If you dress up, youll look more beautiful.
n way of carrying oneself.
Mu ra sa inahan ang pamustúra ánang bay-hána, That girl has her mothers bearing.
-wu a chic and smart-looking.
Pusturáwu kaáyu ka sa ímung hirdu, You look very chic with your hairdo.
v [B1256] look smart, chic.
Mamus-turáwu ang balayg pintálan, The house will look nice when it is all painted.

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