KISAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kísaw v [A; a] {1} make a soft, pleasant rustling sound.
Mukí-saw lang ang kalasangan ug huypun sa hángin, The forest rus-tles only when the wind blows through it.
{2} disturb the wa-ter.
Ayaw kisáwa ang túbig kay dúnay namasul, Dont disturb the water because s.
is fishing.
{3} [B46] hum with activ-ity.
Magkísaw ang kusína ug mapista, The kitchen hums with activity during fiestas.
{4} [A; b6] stir up, disturb the peace.
Nakísaw ang ílang pamuyù sa parinting niípun, The relatives which moved in with them disturbed their peace.
{4a} confuse s.
s mind.
Usa ka dakung suliran mikísaw sa íyang kaisípan, A serious problem is disturbing his thoughts.
Kisáwan kaáyu ku niánang dúwà nga madyung, I find mahjong very confusing.
n {1} sound of rustling or splashing.
{2} activity.
a disturbing or confusing.
ka- = kísaw, n.

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