MU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

mu- punctual active verbal prefix, future.
(Past: mi- or ni-or ming-.
Subjunctive: mu-.
) Muadtu ku didtu ugmà, I will go there tomorrow.
Miadtu (niadtu, ning-adtu, ming-adtu) ku didtu gahápun, I went there yesterday.
Walà ku muadtu didtu, I did not go there.
Verbs with mu-, mi- have the following mean-ings (as opposed to verbs with nag-, mag-; see mag-).
{1} vo-litional action.
Walà siya musulti, He wouldnt (refused to) say.
Gipapaháwà siya kay walà muhátag sa báhin, He was evicted because he refused to give the landowner his share.
{2} action which is non-durative.
Muhílak siyag kusiun, He will burst out crying if he is pinched.
Mumata mi sa alas singku káda buntag, We wake up every morning at five.
Mutindug mi ug musulud siya, We will get up if he comes in.
{2a} added to nouns to form verbs of this meaning.
Mukaláyu ang kakugnan, The grasslands will burst into flames.
{3} added to verbs referring to state: come into [such-and-such] a state, become [so-and-so].
Muabri ang pultahan, The door will open (come open).
Mutúyuk ang galingan, The mill will turn.
{3a} added to adj.
: become [adj.
Mugamay ímung láwas ug dì ka mukáun, You will get thin if you dont eat.
Mupula ímung ngábil ug ímung lipistíkan, Your lips will become red if you put lipstick on them.
{3b} added to roots referring to measurements: become [so-and-so] much.
Ug mualas utsu na gánì, lakaw na lang, If it gets to be eight oclock, just go on ahead.
Muduha na ka túig, It is almost two years now.
It will become two years.
) Mutúhud ang túbig, The water is nearly knee-deep (lit.
will become knee-deep).
{3c} added to verbs referring to capability: be capable of [do]ing.
Kining sakayána mukarga ug lima ka táwu, This boat will hold five people.
Kining dyípa musakay ug dúsi ka buuk, This jeep can carry a dozen people.
{4} added to verbs or adjectives refer-ring to manner: [do] in [such-and-such] a way.
Mukusug siyag katáwa, He will laugh loudly.
Maáyu siyang mulútù, He cooks well.
{5} added to nouns referring to a place: go to [such-and-such] a place.
Mugráhi ang taksi run, The taxi is headed for the garage.
Mulawud siya bísan magbagyu, He will go to sea, even in the typhoon.

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