MATNGUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

matngun v {1} [A13; b(1)] take care of by observing precautions, handle carefully.
Magmatngun ka arun dì ka madisgrasya, Be careful so you dont meet an accident.
{2} [A1; b(1)] pay atten-tion, heed.
Wà mu magmatngun sa ákung tambag, ha?
You didnt heed my advice, did you?
{3} [A12; b8] be aware of, real-ize.
Nakamatngun siya nga walà na ang íyang pitáka, He noticed that his wallet was gone.
Namatngunan na níya nga walà diay salà ang bátà, He has just realized that the child was innocent.
ug buut v {1} [A; b8] be aware of, reach the age of reason.
Dinhi na ku ning baláya sukad ku makamatngun ug buut, I have lived in this house since I saw light.
{2} [A12] regain consciousness.
Didtu na siya makamatngun ug buut sa uspital, He regained consciousness in the hospital.
pahi- v [A; c] advise and admon-ish.
Pahitmangúni siya báhin sa íyang pag-inum, Advise him about his drinking.
n admonishment.
kahi-n awareness of s.t.

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