KABIR is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kábir n cover.
v {1} [A; b6(1)] put a cover on s.t.
Kabíri ang li-bru arun dì mahúgaw, Put cover on the book so it wont get dirty.
{2} [A; c] protect oneself from blows with the hands.
Mukábir siya dáyun kun dyában, He covers immediately if his opponent jabs him.
{3} cover the ball in a volleyball game.
Páwul kay síku ímung gikábir, Foul!
You covered the ball with your elbow.
kabirkábir v [A13] dílì, walà fail to keep s.t.
concealed, be di-rect where propriety requires the opposite.
Sa walay kabirkábir íya akung gihingawátan, Without beating around the bush, he accused me of being a thief.

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