SAYAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sáyaw v {1} [AC; c] dance.
Dì ku makigsáyaw ug hubug, I wont dance with a drunk.
Isáyaw ta kag makaduha ug mamaúlì na ta, I will dance with you twice, and then well go home.
{2} [A23] by extension, any movement likened to dancing.
Misáyaw ang mga dáhun sa hángin, The leaves danced in the breeze.
ang kasingkásing v [A23] be gladdened (literary).
Misáyaw ang íyang kasingkásing dihang gisugut siya, His heart danced when the girl accepted him.
n dance.
Sáyaw sa mga karáan, The dance of the old-timers.
Pistang way sáyaw, A fiesta with no dance.
sayawsáyaw n dance presentation, esp.
folk dance.
- an(), -anan n dance hall, dance floor.
hiN-() a fond of dancing.
-in-an() n way of dancing.
maN-r-() n dancers.

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