KAHITA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
kahíta n small box, case.
Kahíta sa aláhas, Jewel box.
kahug, káhug v {1} [A1; ac] mix moist and dry ingredients to-gether.
Kahugun ku ning tahup ug kinagud nga lubi, Ill mix the corn bran with shredded coconut.
Kahugi ang makarúni sa mayunis, Mix the mayonnaise into the macaroni.
{2} [A; a] stir s.t.
Kahúga ang linúgaw arun dílì mudukut, Stir the porridge so it wont stick.
Kahíta sa aláhas, Jewel box.
kahug, káhug v {1} [A1; ac] mix moist and dry ingredients to-gether.
Kahugun ku ning tahup ug kinagud nga lubi, Ill mix the corn bran with shredded coconut.
Kahugi ang makarúni sa mayunis, Mix the mayonnaise into the macaroni.
{2} [A; a] stir s.t.
Kahúga ang linúgaw arun dílì mudukut, Stir the porridge so it wont stick.