GINTA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ginta n {1} distance of one point to another ahead or above it.
May gintang dyis mitrus ang balay sa karsáda, The house is set back ten meters from the road.
{2} distance beyond a certain point.
Ayaw itúpung sa ngilit.
Butangig ginta, Dont build it flush to the edge.
Let it overhang.
{3} distance given as an advantage in a race.
v [B456; c] {1} overlap or extend beyond s.t.
Taas na ang byábas kay miginta na sa atup, The guava tree is tall because it has grown higher than the roof.
{2} give s.
an advantage in a race.
Gigintáhan siyag lima ka mitrus, He was given a five-meter advantage.

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