KIWA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kiwà, kiwag, kíwag a awkward because of self-consciousness or not knowing how to do s.t.
Kiwag ta sa trabáhu ug bag-u pa, We do things awkwardly when were new at them.
v [B; c1] be awkward or clumsy.
Mukíwag ang átung panlihuklihuk basta maúlaw ta, One tends to be awkward if he feels self-conscious.
() v [A; c] for s.t.
long to stick out prominently.
Nagkiwag ang ímung káhuy nga gibugkus, Some of the pieces of wood you bundled are sticking out.
Nagkiwag ang ayis pik sa íyang bulsa, The ice pick stuck out of his pocket.
Ayaw ikiwag ang ímung mga tiil sa agiánan, Dont stick your feet into the passageway.

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