LUTUP is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lutup v {1} [A23] for s.t.
to show through s.t.
translucent that touches it.
Milutup ang íyang tútuy sa nipis níyang bláwus, Her breasts showed through her flimsy blouse.
{2} [A2; b(1)] for s.t.
to give o?
a reproduction on s.t.
that touches it.
Milutup ang banig nga íyang gihigdáan dihà sa íyang bukubuku, The mat he lay on left an impression on his back.
{2a} leave a crease in cloth upon folding or pressing.
Naglutup ang pinil-an sa sinínà, There was a crease left on the dress where it was folded.
n {1} mark, imprint on the skin.
{2} crease, fold on a cloth.
pa- n {1} reproduction of a picture made by rubbing it with a candle and then scratching a sheet of paper over it.
{2} tracing.
v [A; b6(1)] reproduce a picture by rubbing or tracing.

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