PARUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

párut v {1} [B12; b5] be utterly defeated.
Sa pulitika mapárut giyud ang way sápì, In politics the person who has no money is sure to get defeated completely.
{2} go bankrupt.
Ang íyang pagsúgal nakapárut (nakapapárut) sa íyang nigusyu, His busi-ness went bankrupt because of his gambling.
() n a hand in mahjong or cards that lacks a card or has one card too many and thus cannot win.
v [B12] get in the parut situation.
ka- n defeat su?
ered by s.
ka-an n utter defeat.
Dawáta ang ímung kaparútan, Accept your utter defeat.

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