LABIT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

labit v [A; b] stitch with a loop that holds but can be unravelled.
Si Lúsi ang mulabit niánang ímung panyù, Lucy will stitch loops around the edges of your handkerchief.
labitlabit n small bits of meat adhering to the bones or any part of a slaughtered animal.
v {1} [AN; b5] stitch s.t.
hurriedly and unevenly by hand.
{2} [A13] for bits of meat to be left adhering to bones.
Panguháag mga unud nga naglabitlabit sa bukug, Get the small bits of meat that are adhering to the bones.
a meat which has lots of sinews.
Gáhì kaáyu usápun ning karníha, labitlabit, This meat is very tough to chew.
It is sinewy.
labitlabitun = labitlabit, a.
-íra, -íru n one who works stitching materials.

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