LAHID is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

láhid v {1} [A; c] spread, smear s.t.
Lahírig túbig ang pánit sa inasal, Rub water over the roast pigs skin.
Gilahíran ug dyam ang pán, They spread jam on the bread.
{2} [A; a1c1] involve s.
else in s.t.
Muláhid man ka sa uban nga way sâ, Why do you involve others who are blameless?
Ayaw kug iláhid sa kastígu, Dont include me with the punishment.
() n magical medicine of coconut oil and herbs used for skin ailments of supernatural origin, or the application of this medicine.
v [A; c] subject to this treatment.
ka- v [A13] get all smeared.
Nagkaláhid ang bungbung ug húgaw, The walls are all smeared with dirt.

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