PUBLASIYUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

publasiyun n {1} town proper, the place in a town where there is a concentration of houses.
{2} town as a political unit.
v {1} [a12] make into the town proper.
{2} [B; a12] be, become a town.
Publasyunun na ang ámung baryu, Our village will be made into a town.
publikar v [A; c] {1} make known to the public.
Gipublikar sa radiyu ang kadaúgan, The victory was announced over the radio.
Gipublikar na ang risulta sa bár, The results of the bar examination have been published.
{2} publish s.t.
Ámung im-printa ang mupublikar sa ílang piryudiku, Our printing press will publish their newspaper.
publikadur n publisher.
v [B156; a12] be a publisher.
publikasiyun n publication.

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