APIL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

apil a be included.
Ang ábang sitinta apil ang sugà, The rent is seventy including light.
walay [subject] [subject] is not included.
Wà kay apil sa dúlà, You are not included in the game.
v {1} [A13; c1] include, put s.t.
with s.t.
Kinsay nag-apil sa ákung bulpin didtu sa sagbut?
Who threw my ballpoint pen out with the trash?
Apilun (iapil) ku ni ug lútù karung gabíi, I will include this in our dinner tonight.
{2} [B26; b6] participate, take part in.
Muapil ka sa ámung dúlà?
Will you take part in our game?
Maapil ka unyà sa kasábà, You might get scolded as well.
apil-apil v [A] include oneself when one shouldnt.
Dílì ka muapil-apil ug isturya sa mga tigúlang, You must not insin-uate yourself in the grown-ups conversation.
manggiapil-apilun a given to including oneself in conversations.
maN-r-() n par-ticipants.

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