KUBIT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kubit v {1} [A; a] touch s.
, curling the fingers to get his at-tention.
Milíngì ku kay dihay ningkubit nákù, I turned around because s.
poked me.
{1a} turn to s.
influential for help.
Dúna ba tay makubit didtu sa kustums?
Do we have anybody influential to help us out in the custom?
{1b} [A1; a2b2] steal s.t.
not of great value.
Bantayi nà kay kubitun unyà nà, Keep an eye on it because s.
might lift it.
{1c} [A2; a12] get a woman for illicit sex.
Wà giyuy mukubit niánang tigulánga, No one wants to have an a?
air with that old woman.
{2} [A; a12] take the bait.
Kusug mukubit ang isdà ánang paúna, Fishes like to take that k.
{2a} [A12; b4] catch a fish by hook and line.
Nakakubit ang mananagat ug íhu, The fisherman caught a shark.
Gikubitan kug bugáung, I caught a jarbua.
{2b} [A2; a12] hook s.
in marriage.
Nakakubit siyag sapíang bálu, She hooked a rich widower.
{2c} ug way paun {2c1} confirm s.t.
bad the interlocutor suspects but doesnt know for sure by assuming that he does know for sure and letting out s.t.
to confirm it.
Wà tà ka hibaw-i, ningkubit ka sa tagà nga way paun.
Nabistu na hinúun, I wouldnt have known about you but you took the bait.
Now I found out.
{2c2} butt in in a conversation where one has no business or answer remarks intended for s.
Dílì ikaw ang gisultíhan, ngánung mukubit ka man dihà nga way paun?
I wasnt talking to you.
Why do you butt in when I wasnt talking to you?
n fish caught with hook and line.
() n biting of fish.
Hínay ang kúbit basta way súg, Fish dont bite if there is no current.

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