LINAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

línaw a {1} calm, free of agitation.
Línaw ang dágat, The sea is calm.
{2} calm, free from excitement.
Línaw átung hunàhúnà ug walà tay mga suliran, Your mind is calm if you dont have problems.
v {1} [B2S; b4(1)] be, become calm.
Naglínaw ang panahun, The weather is calm.
Dúgay ming naabut kay nal-ináwan ang sakayan, We arrived late because the boat was be-calmed.
{2} [B1; a12] be calm, undisturbed.
Dílì maglínaw ang ímung tanlag, Your conscience will not be at peace.
Lináwa ang ímung kaugalíngun, ayaw ug katarantar, Compose yourself.
Dont panic.
n peace, calm.
Walay línaw ning panimuyúa, The way were living, there is no peace and quiet.
ma-un a calmly, peacefully.
Malináwun siya nga namatay, He died calmly.
ka- n = línaw, n.

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