TAYADA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tayáda v {1} [A23; b6] engage in the action of doing s.t.
, make the motions of doing s.t.
Wà pa gánì mubagting ag kampána mitayáda dáyun ang usang buksidur, The bell had not even rung when one of the boxers started swinging his fist.
{2} [A23] put on a big show, make ostentatious motions of doing s.t.
Mitayáda dáyun siya sa íyang nakat-unan nga tanggu, He immediately set out to show o?
the tango steps he had learned.
n act of making motions, esp.
Púrus lang tayáda, way natúman, They just put on, but accomplish nothing.
tayakan n a makeshift stall in a marketplace.

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