TUGUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

túgun v [A; a1c6] leave or send s.
with instructions to do s.t.
Tugna siya pagpalit ug asin inigtugbung níya, Give him the message to buy some salt when he goes to town.
Unsay ímung itúgun inig-adtu nákù sa Manílà?
What do you want me to do for you when I go to Manila?
n {1} word of instruction to do or get s.t.
{2} final message of a dying man.
Bag-ung New Testament.
Dáang Old Testament.
paN-v {1} [A2S; b6] ask s.
to get and bring s.t.
Nagpanugun tus Búbuy sa íyang duláan, Boboy keeps asking you to bring him a toy.
{2} [A2; c] give final instructions, will at deathbed.
Nanúgun na ang himatyun, The dying man is giving his final instructions.

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