BABAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

babaw n place up s.w.
hiN-haN-(), hiN-haN- v [B5] get to be almost full.
Muhimábaw (muhimabaw) na gánì ang baldi, sirhi ang grípu, When the pail is almost full, close the faucet.
i-, i-() n {1} place high up.
Si Guryu túa sa ibábaw nangáhuy, Goryo is in the hills gathering firewood.
{2} place on top of s.t.
Ibabaw (ibábaw) sa lamísa, On top of the table.
Ibabaw sa patay kung láwas, Over my dead body.
i- a high.
Ibabaw ra ang inyu sa ámù, Your place is higher than ours.
Ibabawng balay balauránan, Senate.
pa niánà in addition to that.
v [b6P] {1} put s.t.
on top of s.t.
Giibabwan (gipaibabwan) ku sa ákung sinínà ang ímung libru, I placed my clothes on top of your book.
{2} put s.t.
Ibabwi (paibabwi) lag diyútay, Just elevate it a little.
pai- v {1} [A] soar up.
Mipaibabaw ang uwak nga gilútus sa banug, The crow soared up because it was pursued by the hawk.
{2} [B125] be the part on top.
Ang nawung sa panaptun mauy maibabaw, The right side of the cloth should be on the outside.
tig-() v [A23P; b6P] {1} go to surface.
Mitigbábaw (mipatigbábaw) ang submarínu sa dágat, The submarine surfaced in the sea.
{2} came out distinctly.
Mitigbábaw (mipatigbábaw) giyud ang íyang tíngug bísan sa kasábà, His voice came out distinctly despite the noise.
{3} prevail.
Sa katapúsan mutigbábaw (mupatigbábaw) gayud ang katarúngan, In the end justice prevails.
Ang gibátì níya kang Túni gitigbabáwan (gipatigbabáwan) sa gibátì níya kang Prid, Her feelings for Fred prevailed over her feelings for Tony.
patig-v {1} = tig-.
{2} [A; c] air out a sentiment, heave a prayer, etc.
to s.
Ipatigbábaw ang inyung pasalámat ngadtu kang Hiyúba, O?
er your prayers of thanksgiving to Jehovah.

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