BAHIN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

báhin v {1} [A; ac] divide into shares.
Bahínun ta ni sa upat, Lets divide this into four pieces.
Gibahínan ku níyag upat ka isdà, He shared four fish with me.
{2} [A3S] get a share.
Mak-abahin kag daghang isdà ug magbuntag ka, You get a larger share of fish if you stay until morning.
n {1} share.
Átung hi-wáun sa upat ka báhin, Lets cut it into four shares.
{2} section, portion.
Dúnay báhin nga binisayà ang Príman, The Freeman has a Visayan section.
Báhin sa tulumanun, Section in the pro-gram.
{3} turn.
Ákung báhin nga pakantáhun, My turn to sing.
{4} role in a play.
Kumidiyanti ang ákung báhin sa dráma, My role in the play is that of a comedian.
{5} regarding.
Unsay ímung ikasulti báhin niánà?
What do you have to say con-cerning that?
sa ákung for my part.
Sa ákung báhin wà kuy ikasulti niánà, As for me, I have nothing to say about that.
sa láing (luyung) on the other hand.
Mupatúu siya apan sa láing (luyung) báhin magpadáyun sa pagluib, He makes you believe he is loyal, but behind your back he continues his treachery.
-ay() n the manner of sharing.
Nalípay ang mga saup mahi-tungud sa bahinay sa bag-ung baláud, The tenants are happy about the division of the crops under the new law.
ka- n {1} person with whom one shares s.t.
Kabáhin ka sa ákung kalípay ug kasákit, You share my happiness and sorrows with me.
{2} = báhin, 5.
ka-anan n inheritance.
Ang pinaangkan may katungud sa kabahinánan sa ílang ginikánan, Illegitimate children have a right to an inheritance from their parents.

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