KAMUL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
kámul a numb, devoid of sensation.
Kámul pa ákung lagus sa iniksiyun, My gums are still numb from the injection.
Kámul ákung tiil sa pagtinindug, My legs are numb from standing so long.
v [B3PN; b4] be, become numb.
Nagpangamul man ang ákung tiil, tingáli may piang, My foot is becoming numb.
Maybe it is broken.
Kámul pa ákung lagus sa iniksiyun, My gums are still numb from the injection.
Kámul ákung tiil sa pagtinindug, My legs are numb from standing so long.
v [B3PN; b4] be, become numb.
Nagpangamul man ang ákung tiil, tingáli may piang, My foot is becoming numb.
Maybe it is broken.