TUNGUL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

túngul n {1} stomach of animals.
{2} human stomach (hu-morous).
[so-and-so] sa ímung (íyang) [so-and-so] is not true.
Magminyù sa íyang túngul.
Náa pa gániy gátas sa bàbà!
He is going to get married?
The hell he is.
He isnt even weaned yet!
tungup v [B6; a1] be exactly a certain quantity, time.
Mutungup giyud sa úras ning ákung rilu, My watch gives the exact time.
Tungpa lag lung-ag bálig lima ka táwu, Cook exactly enough rice for five people.
tunguptúngup v [A; a12] calculate the time or measurements.
Nagtunguptúngup lang ku sa úras kay wà man kuy rilu, Im just estimating the time because I dont have a watch.

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