LALUM is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lalum a {1} deep, extending far down from the surface.
Lalum nga bangag, A deep hole.
Ang subà dinhi lawum, The river here is very deep.
{2} late in the night.
Lalum nga kagabhíun, Deep in the night.
{3} deep, low in tone.
Lalum nga pangaghu, A deep sigh.
{4} profound, hard to understand.
Lalum nga tirminu, Di?
cult terms.
Lalum nga pinsar, Deep thought.
{5} ug bughat for a relapse after childbirth to be severe.
v {1} [AB; ab] deepen, cause to become deep.
Ang kaminíru mauy mu-lalum sa mga kanal, The street cleaners will deepen the ditches.
Mulalum (malalum) ang samad ug dílì limpiyúhan, A wound will become deep if it is not cleaned.
Laluma pagbúhù ang lubung, Dig the grave deep enough.
Lalumi pag diyútay ang bulsa, Make the pocket a little bit deeper.
{2} [B25] become late at night.
{3} [B2] become deep and low, reaching from the depths.
Milalum ang íyang pangaghu nga nagtan-aw sa masak-itun, Her sighs grew deeper as she looked at the sick man.
{4} [B2; b6] get to be profound.
Makalalum (makapalalum) diay ug pinsamintu ning kalisud, I have found out that hardship makes one think deeply.
{5} ang bughat [A] for a relapse after childbirth to be severe.
Ang kasagunsun sa pagpanganak mauy makalalum (makapalalum) sa bughat, Having babies one after another makes one get severe relapses.
{6} ug dulut see dulut.
-g- = lalum, a, v (plural).
gi-un, giladmun n depth.
Ang gi-ladmun sa íyang pangútuk, The depth of his intelligence.
ha- a deep.
Halawum nga ginháwa, A deep breath.
ka- n depth, deep-ness.
Dílì masukud ang kalalum sa íyang gibátì, The depths of her feeling cannot be fathomed.
kahi-an, kahiladman n depths, the innermost recesses.
i-() n underneath, under.
Ilálum sa káma, Underneath the mattress.
Ilálum sa gahum sa Katsílà, Under the Spanish regime.
Iláwum sa dágat, Under the sea.
pai-() v {1} [A3; bc] go under, underneath s.t.
Mipailálum ang isdà sa sapyaw, The fish went underneath the fish net.
Pailadmi sa libru ang mga papil, Put the papers under the book.
{2} [A; a12] assume responsibilities or duties.
Akuy mupailálum sa tanang trabáhu dinhi, Ill do all the chores around here.
{3} [A] be subject, subservient to.
Násud nga nagpailálum sa bandílang langyaw, A nation that allowed themselves to be subject to a foreign power.
hai-v [B1256] get to be underneath s.t.
Lisud kuháun ang libru kay nahailalum sa uban, Its di?
cult to get the book because its way underneath the others.

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