PUAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

púay v {1} [B6; b5] spill over, overflow.
Mipúay ang bínu sa kupíta, The wine spilled over the goblet.
{2} [B; a1] sag, droop listlessly.
Nagpúay ang búlak sa pláwir bis kay way túbig, The flowers in the vase drooped for lack of water.
puaypuay, puaypúay v [BN] filled to overflowing; bursting at the seams.
Namuaypúay ka na sa katambuk, Youre bursting at the seams, youre so fat.
Mga bátà ang nakapuaypúay sa dyíp, The children filled the jeep to its seams.

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