IKSTINSIYUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ikstinsiyun n {1} extension of time, addition to a building.
{2} branch, unit of an organization located apart from the main location of the organization.
{3} extra telephone connected to the same line as the main line.
{4} extra class section to accom-modate an overflow enrollment.
{4a} teacher assigned to such a class.
v [A; b6(1)] give, add an extension, make a branch or extra telephone, add on an extra class section.
Dílì kaikstinsyu-nan ang ímung lún, kining baláya, kining iskuylahána, inyung tilipunu, kining klasíha, We cannot extend your loan, put an extension on your house, build a branch of this school, give you a telephone extension, put in an extra section to this class.

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