TUNTUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tuntun v {1} [A; c] lower s.t.
Mitábang kug tuntun sa lungun sa buhù, I helped lower the co?
n into the hole.
Ituntun ang baldi sa atábay, Lower the pail into the well.
{1a} [B6] sag loosely.
Mituntun íyang súsu nga wà bráhi, Her breasts sagged without a bra.
Nagtuntun ang luag níyang karsúnis, His pants are sagging because they are loose.
{1b} [A; b(1)] pay out a fishline.
Tuntúni ug mga lima ka dupa ang pasul, Pay out five fathoms of line.
{2} [AB2; b6(1)] for s.t.
weighted down to sink; cause it to do so.
Magtuntun siya sa iring nga ilábu sa dágat, Hell weight the cat down to throw it into the sea.
Mutuntun (matuntun) ug dalì ang pasul ug lagdúngan, The fishing line will sink easily if you attach a sinker.
{2a} [A13; b6] use a plumb to test whether things are vertical.
Magtuntun kus halígi arun dílì maghirig, I am using the plumb line on this post so it wont lean.
n {1} string or rope used to lower s.t.
{2} heavy object attached to s.t.
to make it sink.
{3} plumb line.
paN- v [A2; b6(1)] fish in deep waters with a hook, line, and sinker.
n fishing with a hook, line, and sinker in deep waters.

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