KULURUM is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kulúrum a {1} unlicensed.
Kulúrum nga pistúla, Unlicensed pis- tol.
Kulúrum nga taksi, Cab without a franchise.
{2} without a name.
Kulúrum nang klasíha sa manuk, That kind (breed) of chicken has no name.
{3} a dissident group in Surigao in the early twenties, who always wore a red band around the head.
paN- v [A2] hire an unauthorized car for a ride.
Nangulúrum man gánì kug sakay arun mamínus ang plíti, naabiríya hinúun, I hired an unlicensed cab to minimize the expenses, but it broke down.

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