KAL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
kál n cal, a white powder used as a whitener for shoes.
v [A; b] whiten with cal.
Káli ang sapátus putì, Apply cal to white shoes.
() v [B1245] get cal splattered over it.
-iru n {1} kiln for burning limestone or seashells to obtain lime.
{2} any big fire for roasting or burning s.t.
or obtaining s.t.
v [A; c1] make a kiln or a large fire to obtain s.t.
v [A; b] whiten with cal.
Káli ang sapátus putì, Apply cal to white shoes.
() v [B1245] get cal splattered over it.
-iru n {1} kiln for burning limestone or seashells to obtain lime.
{2} any big fire for roasting or burning s.t.
or obtaining s.t.
v [A; c1] make a kiln or a large fire to obtain s.t.