SUGILUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sugílun (from súgid) v [AN2; c] {1} tell, report.
Hilatiguhan ta ug musugílun (manugílun) kang Pápa nga nangáun ta ug mangga, Well both get whipped if you tell Daddy that we ate mangoes.
Gisuginlan ka na ba sa balità?
Have you been told the news?
{2} enumeration of pertinent facts.
May mga sugílun nga midagsang diri nga minyù ka, The story is going around that you are married.
píla may to make a long story short.
Píla may sugílun gipangasáwa níya ang babáyi, To make a long story short, he married the woman.
paN-() v [A2; c6] tell s.t.
Nanugilun si Tasyu nga uyab na kunu mu, Tasio is telling people that youre his girl now.
hiN- = hinúgid.
see súgid.

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