ATUL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

atul coincide in time.
Ang íyang adlaw atul sa bag-ung túig, His birthday coincides with New Years.
v {1} [A2C; c1] do s.t.
at the same time as s.t.
else happens.
Dì ka muatul ug labang ug dúnay awtung muági, Do not cross at the same time that theres a car coming.
Nag-átul mig pamisíta sa ka Lusing, We happened to visit Lucing at the same time.
Atulun (iatul) nílag pangáun ang pamisíta, They make their visits coincide with mealtime.
{2} [b2] for s.t.
to happen to one coincidentally with s.t.
Hiatlan mig ulan sa Magalyánis, We were caught in the rain downtown.
Naatlan níya si Bin nga bugnaw ang úlu, This time, she chanced to come on Ben while he was cool-headed.

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