BISIKLITA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bisiklíta n bicycle.
v {1} [A; a] ride a bicycle.
Dì ku mubisiklíta ug gubà, I wont ride a broken bicycle.
Magbisiklíta ku padúlung sa syúdad, I will ride a bicycle to the city.
Dì makabisiklíta ang bakul, The cripple cannot ride a bicycle.
Bisiklitáha lang ang Talísay, Take a bicycle to Talisay.
Lisud ning agianánang bisiklitáhan, This path is di?
cult to ride a bike over.
{2} [A; c1] take s.t.
by bicycle.
Bisiklitáha (ibisiklíta) ang utanun ngadtu sa mirkádu, Take the vegetables to the market on a bicycle.
{3} [A12] get a bicycle.
Nakabisiklíta ku sa banggà, I won a bicycle in the contest.
{4} [A; a] make into a bicycle.
Kanang ímung wísir bisiklitáhun na lang kay dautang makina, Make your motor-bike into a bicycle because the motor is shot.
{5} [A] exercise lying flat on the back and kicking the feet, as if riding a bicycle.
nga tuluy ligid n tricycle.
nga binabáyi, sa babáyi n girls bicycle.

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