TAKAD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

takad v [A; b(1)] step on a line or specific area.
Dì ka mutakad sa bágis kay páwul ka, If you step on the line, you are foul.
Kining batúha ímung takaran (takdan) arun makaabut ka sa búnga, Step on this stone so that you can reach the fruit.
takdanan n in games, the line on which one steps at the start or any phase of the game.
tákal n volume, contents.
Ang garapun dakug tákal kay sa básu, A jar holds more than a glass.
v {1} [A; a] measure out in a certain volume.
Gitákal níla sa bukag ang kamúti, They measured the sweet potatoes by baskets.
{2} [AB; c] for a measure to become full, cause it to do so.
Lainláing butang ang nagtákal sa íyang pitáka, Her bag was filled with all di?
erent things.
Nagkatakal ang baldi sa hinayhínayng túlù sa túbig, The pail is slowly filling up with water dripping into it.
-an() n a measuring box, basket, or can of any convenient size.

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