KUMISIYUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
kumisiyun, kumisyun n {1} commission on s.t.
{2} com-mission, a group of people appointed by the government for cer-tain duties.
Kumisiyun Iliktural, Commission on Elections.
{3} o?
cers commission.
v {1} [A12; c] get a commission.
Nakaku-misiyun ku sa bakpi nga ákung gihíkay, I got a commission on the back pay claim that I saw through.
{2} [A; b5] commission an o?
-ir(), -ádu n commissioner, one in charge of a certain government department or of a colony.
{2} com-mission, a group of people appointed by the government for cer-tain duties.
Kumisiyun Iliktural, Commission on Elections.
{3} o?
cers commission.
v {1} [A12; c] get a commission.
Nakaku-misiyun ku sa bakpi nga ákung gihíkay, I got a commission on the back pay claim that I saw through.
{2} [A; b5] commission an o?
-ir(), -ádu n commissioner, one in charge of a certain government department or of a colony.