SUBUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

súbut v [B126] be pricked, get a splinter in one.
Nasúbut siya pagpapha níya sa íyang gisapilyáhan, He got a splinter in him when he rubbed his hands over the board he was planing.
subwak v [B3(1)4; b6] {1} for water to burst out of a hole.
Misubwak ang túbig sa tuburan, The water gushed out of the source of the spring.
{2} for the contents to overflow a container.
Misubwak ang mga pasahíru sa trák, The bus is overflowing with passengers.
Nagsubwak ang mga táwu sa sinihan, The moviegoers spilled out of the movie house.

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